You Can Help!
Impact Ministries International aims to feed, clothe, house and educate orphans around the globe. This undertaking would not be possible without willing and talented Christians just like you. Helping the needy isn’t always about sponsorship and donation; your talents, skills, and even your business can be used to change the lives of children and the communities in which they live.
Are you an individual, group, or corporation looking to help us raise funds, raise awareness, donate goods, or organize an event? Do you wish to volunteer, or to be a part of one of our Missions trips? Do you have a talent you feel could raise money for the children Impact Ministries International supports?
We want to hear from you! Click either of the contact links below and tell us about you or your group and how you would like to help Impact Ministries International. Or, view our calendar on upcoming IMI Missions trips, Conferences, or even our Support/Donate page. We will contact you about your submission shortly.