“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” James 1:27
Rev. Tom Stamman
Founder and CEO of Impact Ministries International.
Evangelist, Preacher, Speaker, Teacher, Blue Collar Prophet.
B.S. in Pastoral Studies from North Central Bible College.
Author of eight books. One is used as a textbook at Rhema Bible College.
Tom is a resilient follower of Jesus and is empowered by the Holy Spirit to live out a naturally supernatural lifestyle. He speaks over 400 times a year, encouraging and inspiring believers to be the change they desire to see in this world. Positive, upbeat, visionary, and with an incredible amount of willpower and strength, Tom is able to accomplish incredible things. He answers yes to opportunities God places in front of him and is driven to build every project self-sustaining so it can last for generations.
Dr. Teresa Stamman
V.P of Impact Ministries International, and Director of the Cities of Refuge
Medical Doctor, Evangelist, Speaker, Teacher
M.D, Doctor of Medicine
Teresa is a passionate follower of Jesus and is empowered by the Holy Spirit to live out a naturally supernatural lifestyle. She leads operations of I.M.I., the safe houses, and the Cities of Refuge. Hopeful, visionary, driven, and with an incredible gift of organization, Teresa is able to accomplish amazing things. Her passion for God and for children, and her talent in linguistics make IMI’s projects impactful. In addition, Teresa runs a women’s conference, where she encourages and inspires women to be a force of change in their communities.
Tom’s Personal Ministries
Speaking & Prophetic Conferences
Tom speaks all across the country more than 400 times per year. This is a mix of evangelistic and prophetic ministries to local churches.
Entrepreneur Support
Tom personally mentors and supports a variety of Entrepreneurs as well as holds entrepreneurial conferences every year. We believe that business is a calling for many Christians who just need encouragement to obtain their full potential and character.
Ordaining Ministers
Tom and the IMI team have helped many pastors become ordained specifically internationally, as well as for individuals who may not qualify for traditional church ordination.
Conferences & Retreats

Throughout the year Tom offers a variety of conferences, both for entrepreneurs and prophetic conferences. Check out Tom’s calendar for more details on upcoming conferences.

IMI owns several prayer cabins & bed and breakfast retreats. They are available through scheduling if so desired. See Tom’s Calendar for any upcoming retreats, or Contact IMI about usage of the retreat centers.
Contact Tom
To request Tom to speak at your church or for more information on Tom’s personal ministries please fill out the form below. I you’re requesting a speaking date with Tom, please first check his calendar.