Age: 14
For fun, Santos, likes to play soccer. When he grows up, he wants to be an electrician.
Santos’ family lives in a coffee-producing community, so their source of income revolves around the times of cutting and production of this grain, which is only around 3 to 4 months of work. The rest of the year, they do not have a stable source of work. Therefore, their situation is one of extreme poverty. For this reason, Santos’ parents requested the child’s admission to the City of Refuge since they have not been able to provide educational development for their children.
Santos is at the City of Refuge because he wants a better future for himself and his family, and he knows that by being here, he will be able to complete his studies and access many more life-changing opportunities. He enjoys spending time studying every day.
If you would like to sponsor Santos, please click the button below and choose the monthly recurring giving. We need 6 sponsors at $40 per month or 1 sponsor at $240 per month.