Age: 14
For fun, Joseph, likes talking with friends. When he grows up, he wants to be a math teacher.
Joseph’s father abandoned him at birth, so he lives with his mother and her new partner. The family struggles with unstable income, as the stepfather only works temporary jobs. Joseph is the brother of Haciel, and both are beneficiaries of the foundation due to their family’s insufficient financial resources. The nearest school to their community only offers primary education, leaving no options for continuing their studies.
Joseph is an exceptionally intelligent boy with a strong interest in technology. He lives at the City of Refuge with the goal of completing his education and supporting his parents. He is determined to make the most of the opportunities provided by the City of Refuge and is very grateful for the support it offers.
If you would like to sponsor Joseph, please click the button below and choose the monthly recurring giving. We need 6 sponsors at $40 per month or 1 sponsor at $240 per month.