Jose Ariel
Age: 15
For fun, Jose Ariel, likes to play soccer. When he grows up, he wants to be a doctor.
José Ariel Día Portillo has 2 sisters. Their father abandoned them when he was 9 years old. In order to meet their daily needs, his mother works as a housekeeper. Since there is no school in the community where Ariel resides, he has to travel to another community to attend classes. José’s motivation for being in at The City of Refuge is driven by his pursuit of education. He finds peace in knowing that there are people around him who offer love, especially during moments when he doubts his ability to achieve his goals. Additionally, he values the spiritual growth he has experienced in the City of Refuge.
If you would like to sponsor Jose Ariel, please click the button below and choose the monthly recurring giving. We need 6 sponsors at $40 per month or 1 sponsor at $240 per month.